> I sit?
< Sure.
> This is good.
< Is that water?
> Yes.
> I'm from the future.
< Right.
< Your people visit a lot these days. Are you a tourist?
> No, I am a Zogerlog.
< New kind?
> No, one of the oldest.
< Is it true that future is not time bound?
> Future is place.
< Well present is time.
< So what brings you here?
> Sex.
< Does sex has a different meaning in future?
> Sex is void in future.
< Right. What kind of sex?
> Find out. Suggestions?
< Go by the books.
> No good. Confuse.
< Really? When did you land?
> land?
< When did you try sex?
> Tomorrow
< You mean yesterday.
> No, tomorrow.
< Alright. What happened?
> The power go off. Internet loss.
< So?
> Stream interrupt at 78.
< Interesting. Why didn't you download it upfront ?
> Space waste.
< Did you finish it then?
> No. Reschedule. Suggestions?
< Well, how can I send you a link? Do you have a cellphone?
> No cellphone. If you browse, I copy history.
> Copy. Thanks.
< Wait. Not that.
> Copy.
< Not that either.
> That?
< That.
> Copy. Thanks.
< Peace.